About un.seen.futures
un.seen.futures is an experimental container that intertwines spirituality, intuition, divination, kink and play to bring about different ways of thinking, being, doing; to bring to life entirely new worlds.
Essentially, the work and experience offered here is the answer to your yearning of: what else is there?
How can I help?
Establishing Clarity within The Unknown
This work helps you, your team, and your organization develop a clear vision of the worlds you want to be headed towards. Doing so allows for the development of tangible strategies to get you to the future you desire.
Living our Fun!
We need to be able to hold pleasure, fun, joy within our bodies to create systems that are pleasurable, fun and joyful. My unconventional approach to futures work considers this by incorporating somatic processes that allow for this capacity to be built within your body and organization, so that you can get to the futures you want.
Narrative Re-writing
We're stuck in the same stories. So let's get ourselves out of them. By leveraging divination tools, such as tarot, I create opportunities for you, your team and your organization to tap into and consult with a higher intelligence and knowing. Doing so allows us to reframe tricky problems and develop innovative insight. This novel approach carves out entirely new pathways and story possibilities that we can seek to re-write for ourselves, our teams and our organizations.
Want to get out of your heads? Need an entirely new fresh perspective?
You would do well with my being around then.
Experiential Futures
Are you looking to imbue your futures with the erotic, pleasure and fun that is your birthright? A more intuitive approach to futures building?
I have a unique futures offering that can get you and your team in the correct headspace to think and feel differently.
Need something bespoke?
Let's talk.
Click on the discovery call link below.